We compile and provide information both relevant and accurate about everything, to make access easier in a time of strict control.
- Never Forget What They Took From Us
- Never Forget What They Took From Us
- Never Forget What They Took From Us
- Never Forget What They Took From Us
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It is time to Learn more about whats happening.
Why Are We Here? What's Our Goal?
At some point, we all questioned how the system really works. We began to see that maybe those charming politicians or charismatic leaders weren’t looking out for us after all. This isn’t about conspiracy theories; it’s about asking why things are the way they are.
We are being maniuplated and taken advantege off.
The earth is not flat, aliens aren’t abducting nor probing Timmy for fun, and governments do not care about you if there isn’t any elections around the corner, these are just facts.
The current way of life is not sustainable.
Our current way of life isn’t sustainable. At this rate, future generations won’t be able to pursue dreams, start families, or even support themselves. Social media bombards us with unrealistic success stories, only to drain our remaining energy, time, and money
WE are NOT talking about conspiracies.
At some point in our life and amidst all of what was happening, we realized (so did you) that there maybe more to how the system worked, maybe that cute politician or charismatic leader was lying to us, and maybe non of them actually cared about us.
At the turn of the decade all of us had some time to reflect on what was happening, it is normal to have questions that may or may not have any sense of logic to them, but the problem was how most of our questions were shutdown without any explanations.
Questions as simple as “why would my government lie to my face” or “why a small part of the community were allowed to control and withhold necessities from the rest” were quickly shrugged off as illogical or meaningless way of thought. Yet as time went on, more and more evidence began to surface to what was once considered normal or “the way things always have been”, and people, including us, began to realize that something is wrong.
You can’t look the people straight to the face and claim that this is how they should live, and this is how things are meant to be. A human should not be expected to work 80% of his life to enjoy what is left of their miserable existence. A human shouldn’t be told to love their job or to be grateful for the opportunity, Humans shouldn’t be trapped into pre-planned concrete jungles and left to figure for themselves.
The same policies and problems appear to dominate over every aspect of our life and yet we somehow can’t break out of it: We are watching NEWS riddled with propaganda specifically tailored to alter our way of thinking and make us hate each other, eating a meal that has the nutritious value of a cockroach because we don’t have the energy to make something else, the energy that we are forced to consume to support a figure buy a fleet of cars, a figure which strongly believes that the reason there is poverty is that people aren’t working hard enough, yet has a company in some god forsaken land that uses mercenaries to pressure slaves into working 20 hours a day for something they wouldn’t even have the privilege to touch… I think most of you got what we mean.
Our mission is to bring awareness to what is going on, and how to fix it.
We aren’t a bunch of bored writers that look for a window to scream their lunges out from, nor trying to convince you how the world is grim and hopeless, there is still hope and enough of beauty for everyone to enjoy life, it will just take a bit of effort to achieve what we all deserve. we hope you’ll join us in our adventure for a better future both for us and who will come there after us.
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